Westwood Aims and Curriculum Vision: Enjoy the Challenge

School Aims

At Westwood Primary School we aim to provide all children with the opportunities to achieve their very best – academically, emotionally and socially by:

· Encouraging all children to develop a genuine pride in their achievements; placing a strong emphasis upon quality learning opportunities and outcomes

· Inspiring all children to develop a life-long love of learning through an engaging, creative and purposeful curriculum

· Providing opportunities for children to develop a sense of place within their community and the wider world

· Promoting an ethos of care and respect; of themselves, each other and the environment

The Westwood Way

· Show respect to each other and to adults

· Follow instructions

· Be a good learner

· Play friendly games

· Look after property and our environment

Curriculum Intent Statement

The Westwood Curriculum is broad, ambitious and engaging; it provides learners with the opportunities and experiences necessary to develop their cultural capital and make strong progress through the curriculum. There is an expectation that learners will have pride in their achievements and produce quality outcomes which they enjoy sharing with the school and wider community.

Tolerance and respect are embedded in all subjects and children are encouraged to work collaboratively, valuing other viewpoints.

Learners will develop a sense of place within their local and wider community and given opportunities to make a positive difference.

The Westwood Curriculum offers challenges and, through this challenge, learners are expected to develop their vocabulary, skills and knowledge to prepare them for the next step of their learning journey.

Within each stage of their journey, learners will continue to develop their resilience, independence and ability to think creatively and critically.