Westwood Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and requires all staff and volunteers to share and demonstrate this commitment in every aspect of their work. We have created a culture of safe recruitment and adopted recruitment procedures that help deter, reject or identify people who might pose a risk of harm to children.

The Headteacher will:

  • ensure that the school operates safe and fair recruitment and selection procedures which are regularly monitored, reviewed and up-dated to reflect any changes to legislation and statutory guidance.
  • ensure that all appropriate checks have been carried out on staff and volunteers in the school.
  • monitor any contractors’ and agencies’ compliance with the policy.
  • promote the safety and well-being of children and young people at every stage of this process.

The Governing Body of the school will:

  • ensure the school has effective policies and procedures in place for the safe and fair recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers in accordance with Department for Education guidance and legal requirements.
  • monitor the school’s compliance with DfE guidance and legal requirements.
  • ensure that appropriate staff and governors have completed safer recruitment training.

Safer Recruitment trained staff include:

  • Mrs J Martin – Headteacher /DSL
  • Mrs S Bradey – School Business Manager
  • Mrs J Ditchfield – Chair of Governors
  • Mrs E Barrow – Governor
  • Mrs K Crane – Governor